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About Us

quin·tes·sen·tial [kwin-t uh-sen-sh uhl]

Definition: the most perfect embodiment of something.

~We are a fine gardening business with an emphasis on organic, natural, sustainable horticulture practices. These practices use time tested methods that have as little impact on the environment as possible. 

~We try to utilize local sources for supplies as often as possible and support our local businesses.

~We use minimal equipment to reduce the noise pollution and energy consumption that modern landscaping has become notorious for.

~We do not use chemicals that put our clients, their pets, or the environment at any risk.

~We use preventative measures to maintain the health and vigor of our gardens, rather than respond to symptoms of a single problem.

~We work with the natural cycles of plants to properly fertilize and prune.

~We are passionate about our role as land stewards and hope to inspire others to the wonders of nature.

We are very pleased about our garden in the Boston Flower Show 2013. We won two awards, one for the granite sculpture 'From Maiden to Mother'.

The other award was from the Ecological Landscape Alliance for Environmental Vision, best demonstrating the design and execution of ecological principles in a landscape.

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